Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Santa Cruz watercolor process

The merciless ocean of Santa Cruz, Portugal, as seen from the cliffs. I took the reference photo for this piece last summer, during the Santa Cruz International Watercolor Meeting, surrounded by world class watercolorists. But it took half a year to gather the confidence and skill to have a go at it! I invite you to take a look at the video and see what you think.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Journals in the north

Nós e os Cadernos 2, an event in 2017 about sketchbooks organized by Tiago Cruz, was set in the beautiful surroundings of the Parque Natural do Litoral Norte, a natural reserve around the mouth of the Cávado river.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Nós e os Cadernos 2

In the summer of 2017, Tiago Cruz, researcher at CIAC, invited ten sketchbook lovers to Esposende, for a weekend of talks and sketchwalks in the Minho shores, in an event titled Nós e os Cadernos 2.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Vila Berta

Vila Berta, in Graça, became a phenomenon, a few years back, by bringing to the festivities an audience that wasn’t used to partake in them, and by becoming one of the most known hubs of the fest in the city.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Carina goes to the Santos

Carina was lucky to book her time in Lisboa during the Santos, the city festivities. That usually means sketching drunk among heaps of people, ending the night smelling like sweat and grilled sardines – It was a blast of course!

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Roasted chicken and Latin America

More than a year has passed since these sketches were done. They’re a month apart and are the records of a great year to be a sketcher in Lisboa. In a partnership with the Lisboa, Capital Ibero-americana da Cultura program and the Fundação Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva, the Urban Sketchers Portugal was able to bring to the city several sketchers from Portugal, Spain and Latin America for a season of lectures and workshops.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

The shapes of an educator

António taught everyone how to distort buildings and streets, and I had the easy job of showing how you can do it with people too!

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Relax, sketch and relax

After the trials of a full-day workshop in Portimão, a brief respite is always on the order of the day, for participants and instructors alike. Beer, some relaxed, non-constrained sketching, new acquaintances, new sketching materials, and beer.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Grotesque people and places

There’s something about misshapen sketches that attracts and amuses the eye – take gothic gargoyles and modern caricatures, a child’s ginger bread house or the latest Frank Gehry’s design – grotesque portraits and architecture sketches, when done with care, are fun to make and to look at.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

The challenges of night sketching

With our workshop (Pedro Alves and I) coming up in a few weeks, I start to get excited about this night sketching business! It’s really easy, and at the same time really challenging to sketch after hours. The easy aspect of it, and the most pedagogic part about it, is that your palette gets reduced to a couple, three at most, colors.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

The stories of public realm objects

The 9th International Urban Sketchers Symposium in Porto is getting closer. Today, participants will get to choose the workshops they’ll be attending in the Summer. In the stories of public realm objects we’ll find out what tales do these ubiquitous everyday objects have to share, and what we can learn from them.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Windmills in Moledo

The mid-western region of Portugal has a lot to be discovered, and Oeste Sketchers are doing a hell of a job with it! Moledo is a small hamlet upon a windy hill, on the road down to coastal Lourinhã.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

In the Symposium team of instructors!

The 9th International Urban Sketchers Symposium is building up momentum! Registration passes for participants were released and sold out, correspondents are soon to be selected and, last week, I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of the 36 workshop instructors. Feels good to be in a list of so many talented sketchers and artists I came to admire these past years.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Danse Libre

Rocío is a teacher of Danse Libre in Casa do Brasil, in Lisboa. From this studio in Bairro Alto, she spreads the harmonious form of dance in weekly classes.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Drink and sketch in Elvas

Good booze always gives birth to good conversation and good sketching experiments. This one was done thanks to the tasty craft beer served in Mercato, a relatively recent beer shack in Elvas.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Clouds over Elvas

Some heavy clouds insisted on participating in the 26th sketch meeting of Urban Sketchers Raia in Elvas, so some experimenting with wet-on-rain watercolor was in order.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

Light and shadow in Elvas

The small Museum of Sacred Art in Elvas is a meandering sequence of stairways, rooms and corridors – wrapped around the cathedral walls – leading to a couple of precious paintings by 16th century Spanish artist Luis de Morales. Urban Sketchers Raia made it the location for their 26th sketch meeting, seeking shelter from the stabbing cold and the stubborn rain.

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Pedro Loureiro Pedro Loureiro

The garden sketcher

During our lunchtime, Pedro Alves and I, inadvertently, took Richard Aitken, the garden expert, to one of the least gardeny parts of Lisboa – the densely packed Castle district – for a sketch from above.

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